Wednesday 29 July 2015

Why do you go to a hotel or restaurant?

(a)   To have good food
(b)   To relax and unwind
(c)   To have good food in a relaxing, clean environment free from unhealthy pollutants

If your choice is (c) above, you have come to the right place!

For most guests/families, an outing at a hotel/restaurant is to have a good time, eat good food, assured and reassured that they are well taken care of and their health is in safe hands.

What if the hotel happens to be filled/polluted with noxious fumes of cigarette smoke - smoke that is laden with damaging tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine.

This space is for all those who believe in what the World Health Organisation has said, "there is no safe level of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke and only 100 per cent smoke-free environments adequately protect from dangers of second-hand smoke."

In these pages, you will find a listing of hotels/restaurants in Kerala that are smoke-free.

Stay on to know more ...

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